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Shifting The Brand From 
Giving Up on Moving Forward

I helped bring Craft Happy brand to funtastic-ville! With the recent growth in business and the expansion of new products, we knew we had to intelligently showcase them as the headliner.  I energized their brand and brought much-needed fun to immersive virtual craft experiences.  Focusing on the brand's key positioning – a fun, corky business designed for modern crafters, it was easy to captivate their target audience.

Provided creative direction for their visual brand on their social platforms (i.e. Instagram, Pinterest, Etsy). My goal was to create an iconic identity that’s easy to recognize, that’s memorable, and appropriate.


Craft Happy Co.


Art Director

Web Designer

Branding Identity


Modernized Craft Happy's brand identity to reflect a change in the company's new vision and direction.

crafthappy logo (1).jpg
New Craft Happy Logo with background circles (1).png



Coral Circle (2) (1).png

Model #7

Our responsive design provided a content-rich viewing experience for crafters everywhere.  Creating an interactive map, making it easy to access workshops in each state. No need to hunt for in-person workshops in your area,  just click and walla.

Improving their
online experience


Brand expression
on social platforms

Our responsive design provided a content-rich viewing experience for crafters everywhere.  Creating an interactive map, making it easy to access workshops in each state. No need to hunt for in-person workshops in your area,  just click and walla.

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Like What You See?

Companies hire me to take risks and inject creativity that differentiates their brand.

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